i lay a blanket over the mirror ([delayed thoughts] on a road trip)

blind angels biting the rind of it, gnawing like dogs

and our hearts: fresh snowballs backstage, wet with new world kisses

love as lines backlit, hard sun through big locks, eyes wide, and we melt our starlet arms

our lips clasp the climate like sails, like satellites, could we waddle through my puddles hands-first?

so we're growing out, our hips raised and reversing over loose fingers, untidy, untying

bright pink, touch-slope down accordion rivulets

like retraced signals, long rehearsals, binding breaths full-steam, twirling days like string between my teeth

sketching heat maps, stitching crosses, scratching "you and me" into park benches

and no mess, just a little

spit, and a few twee lift-offs

write new entries on my knees like we're soundtracking a dive, forests full of milk bars

love's like flags waving, long looks, semaphores, stickers

our patchwork limerence, the blood catching liquor-light cold

when you leave me crying, reaching out

choking on the pleasantries, your quiet abdications-

so i'm not your sister, am i? your lover?

your undoing, i forgot the pastels, the duvet covers and

two ragdolls, one grey nightlight, a brake pad

and the way they slipped out of me?

effortless (i'm a flashbang girl) and

quick, saltscales to my eyes, and how would we love each other?

oh we must have been cold

This article was updated on 2024-07-01