bloom, halo girl
(re: dutchmasters - substation, my home. melancholy, my bride.)
i get lonely. my tongue gets sharper. paces cut between my bedroom and the kitchen. post-telling them what i am. they're not listening. i thread options through the teeth of a shredder. think of home, going nowhere. all my sisters love screamo. i send records through the wired.
leave feedback mid-air. i take time like gunfire. like bills won't jump borders. like i'm not just waiting. i sense trans pain through pylons, wires, lists, processing, pond scum dysphoria. fungal networks. they love the quiet ones. build ways of seeing when we're not looking. write code to keep us watching. i see you in my hands. after the train. juts off. out of frame.
this nation is hopeless. but i still need you. think you still need me. send love through injections, shared meals, sad poems. we go hand-in-hand. back home t4t.